Year Group Reps
Junior School
Our BHSA Year Group Reps for the Junior School years are key to developing and sustaining the community spirit of Blackheath High School.
The Year Group Reps support with the following for their Year Group:
Manage What’sApp group for parents who have opted in
Arrange year group social events
Collect parent donations for teacher gifting
Manage year group contact lists
Recruit volunteers for BHSA events
Welcome new families
Support with pastoral care
If you don’t know who your Year Group Rep is, please email us at BHSAchairs@gmail.com. Note that Year Group Reps usually change each academic year.
Senior School
The Senior School does not traditionally have a Class Representative for each form. The BHSA has set up a senior school-wide WhatsApp Announcement Group that all parents from the senior school can join. All of the BHSA info is shared via this group, note that it is not a chat group.
Please contact us at BHSAchairs@gmail.com with any questions, feedback or ideas.